Are you ready to deepen your connection to the Moon so that you supercharge your witchcraft?

Do you want to Master Moon Magic and create the life you desire?


Tell me if this sounds familar?

Introduction to Moon Magic is for You!

When you know how to channel the moon's energies, then you can use it in all your spells to achieve literally anything you choose.

When you have an unlimited source of magical energy at your disposal then you can be confident that your magical works will be properly fuelled and hit their target.

You will feel a sense of oneness, of connection with a higher power, and empowered to use your magic to make your life, and the lives of people you love, better.

Let me guide you - step by step - through the basics of traditionalist witchcraft and working rituals and spellwork with the moon. We will go on a eight week journey together, through two full lunar cycles, where you will learn the same techniques and approaches that my coven members learn. Work at your own pace, whatever time works for you.

You will be performing Moon Magic from day 1, but in just 2 lunar cycles times this exciting new course will have given you the tools and confidence on which to build a personal moon magical practice which works for you and will continuing growing with you for years to come. 

What you actually get:

Video Modules and Workbooks
A special Creating you own Full Moon Ritual Workshop
Access to my Introduction to Spellwork Workshop so you can master candle magic!
24/7 Support in our PRIVATE Facebook Group

We will even be doing a LIVE Strategic Spellcraft DEEP DIVE. Where we take YOUR biggest desire and design your spellcraft plan of action to make it happen!

Yes thats right - I will walk you step by step through your Spellwork Plan live on zoom! By the end you will know EXACTLY what to do, when to do it, and how to achieve whatever goal you have set.

Six modules packed with specially developed online content - videos, handouts, worksheets. 

Learn how to use magical moon energy in spells, charms, and meditation techniques. (Not sure how to do spells yet? I have you covered with a free copy of my Introduction to Spellwork Workshop!)

Have the confidence to write and perform your very own Full Moon Ritual which reflects the witch YOU are and the magic in YOU.
Daily direct support from me in our own private Facebook Group or you can email

Stop getting lost in the noise of questionable information - and learn to discriminate the good from the bad and downright ugly!

Jump in and start doing Moon Magic straight away!

Looking for a Community?

The Hearth of Brighid is all about becoming part of a community - your very own online coven if you like! Your fellow students will be one of your greatest resources and supports. And you theirs! 
You may not yet know it - but you already know so much, and have so much to teach me and all the other members. You just need to confidence to access that knowledge and to practice it and share it. You may only have started your witchcraft recently, but the magic has been pumping through your veins for years.

You have come home to witchcraft, and now its time to come home to the hearth.

That is why you get access to a totally private facebook group. Its easy to access, and you get to interact daily with each other, hopefully starting to build relationships that will last a lifetime. I met my first teacher online that was over 25 years ago, and she remains one of my closest magical allies - so do not underestimate the power of the internet to kick start a lifetime of magic and magical friendships. ​

I know you are excited to start doing Moon Based Witchcraft, but you have a lot of questions.......

"How do I know which moon phase to use for what magic?"

"How do connect with and use the energies of the moon?"

"What kind of spells can I do using the energies of the moon?"

"How can I have real results and stop feeling silly standing in my garden at midnight on my own not really sure what to be doing?"

"How do I design a simple but powerful Full Moon Ritual?"

Having the courage and confidence to start doing magic, to start really practicing your witchcraft can be nerve wracking and overwhelming.

Especially when so many people advise that you should READ READ READ.......

If you don't have a clear plan, and a trusted friend to guide you along the journey its easy to get lost in a fog of competing information .

Its easy to lose sight of the Moon - literally! And spend all your time inside dreaming about that shiny silver orb, when its waiting just outside your door for you to come and play!

Thats why I created this step-by-step programme, which will answer all your questions, and arm you with a witch proof plan.

An 8 Week Online Journey with an Established Traditionalist Coven for just £75

I have kept costs as LOW as possible. I mean this - this isn't a sales pitch where I tell you that you are getting hundreds of pounds of value for a limited time price.

Of course, you ARE getting hundreds of pounds of value! You will get a huge amount of direct access to me. You will get live zoom classes where you can interrupt, ask questions, and really get to the heart of understanding. You will get high quality training material in videos I have written and recorded just for this course.

And doors will close to the class on Sunday May 29th. Once class starts we don't let new students in, and I wont be running this course again in 2022.

You get to ask ANY question you have. And if you are local to South Wales you will even get an invite to our Monthly Witches Supper Club (as soon as it re-establishes post covid!) so you can meet up with other witches and just hang out and do witchy stuff!

Hi, I’m Breo May: Traditionalist Welsh Witch, Moon-dancer, spirit talker and dream weaver.

I created Moon Magic because my purpose as Priestess of the Hearth of Brighid is to help you find the magic within you. I don't teach paint by numbers courses, I encourage freedom and personal exploration within a tried and tested magical framework.

I believe that giving you robust magical techniques will help you to grow and to become the witch you want to be.

I work with the Land, the Spirits of the Land and the Ancestors, with the moon and the stars, and with the magic we find exactly where we are. A lot of my time is spent outside - and I'll encourage you to do the same!

I am constantly learning and evolving. Magic and witchcraft is experiential and it has to change – it cannot be contained or frustrated! Each new member of the Hearth enhances our working and our energy, building on solid traditions and foundations to create something unique and wonderfully magical. I cannot wait to welcome you in to warm your toes by the fire for a while.

Grab Your Wand and Get Moon Witching!